Citizens Affairs Section
The citizen affairs section receives requests and complaints of citizens and company's officials directly at head office or at E-Mail or call (07739017317) during the time work in order to fulfill administrative procedures, and then send them through (citizen electronic government) ( application to solve them.
Section tasks
1 - Examining the complaints of citizens and employees, receiving them, studying their requests and responding to them in a way that guarantees their rights, and supervising the conduct of interviews with the responsible by organizing a special form for the interviews and following up the procedures.
2- Monitoring the complaints of citizens and media employees through newspapers, magazines, social networking sites and the company’s website on the international web as well as through the e-mail designated to the Division (
3- Sending the data that was taken through the Citizen e-Government Program.
E-government of the citizen
A new horizon in the field of citizen service
It is a national work environment for ministries, governorates, and entities not affiliated with a ministry, operating within the Internet through a unified national database for citizens' requests and complaints to receive, archive and follow up on those requests with the possibility of rotating them between sectoral agencies according to specialization.